Friday, May 31, 2024

Financial Planning

This morning, I met with Dave Sands at Edward Jones for our yearly financial check-in.  It was the first time that I had seriously talked to him about retirement.  We went through all of our finances, our expected expenditures, our estimated income and the future.  We were able to come up with a plan that would allow Doug to easily retire at 65 and possibly even 62.  I also asked him about some other financial issues that affect us, but were outside of our control.  He confirmed that what I had researched was correct and we talked about the best way to handle the situation.  

As I drove away from the meeting today, I felt so much better.  Over the past few years, I had been incredibly anxious about where we stood financially.  Buying the second home, selling it, moving, Meg's wedding, Cameron's college expenses, car payments, transmission issues and medical bills had all added to the stress.  Doug's tremor and fear of not being able to work compounded by the lack of familial support only made my anxiety over finances increase.  Today, it was so nice to hear that we were on not only on track, but might even be able to retire early without help from anyone.  

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