Saturday, May 25, 2024

Meg's Bridal Shower

Last December, Meg and I called her Godmother, Jeannette.  Meg wanted her bridal shower to be in Northern Indiana.  We had talked about hosting it at Grandma Jane's, but both of us were nervous that we wouldn't be able to pull it off living outside of the state.  Jeannette offered right away to host it for Meg and the three of us began making plans for the event to happen this memorial Day weekend.  

Meg decided that she only wanted one shower for both sides.  That meant that she would have to invite forty women to her shower.  Jeannette felt that was doable as long as the weather was nice.  Thus, Meg sent out the invitations and we all looked forward to the event.  

Meg and I were both excited for the shower today.  The weather was absolutely beautiful and the decorations were gorgeous.  Jeannette stuck with the flower theme for the tables, food and party favors.  There was plenty of food along with some awesome desserts.  Besides the Barnhart family, Grandma Jane and Nancy also brought food as well.  

It was just a wonderful afternoon.  We ate lunch, played games, learned more about Nick and Meg, and watched Meg open her gifts.  I appreciated getting to know the Yoder family a lot better.  I had never met Nick's aunts and grandmother before today.  They were very nice and I was glad to talk with all of them. 

After the shower, Meg left with her friends.  They had all been invited to Gabrielle's for a bachelorette party tonight.  Paula and Gabrielle had plenty of food for the girls, they had the house decorated and they planned to make friendship bracelets as well.  I stopped by for a couple of hours and had a lot of fun listening to the girls share stories.  I was so happy for Meg that her day had been special.  I enjoyed celebrating her and was glad that she had received so much support from her friends and family.  


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