Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Installation of Officers

In February, I received a call from the nominating committee of Blessed Trinity Council for Catholic Women.  I was told that I had been recommended for the positions of Vice President or President next year.  I was absolutely shocked as I hadn't been in the group more than six months and had not even considered being an officer next year.  The more that I talked to the nominating committee about the duties of those positions, the more I realized that I definitely would not be able to take on the responsibilities of either of those offices.  Instead, I offered my services as treasurer.  I felt a lot more comfortable running for that position as the commitment would be one that I could handle during the next two years, and I had experience with it.  I also told the committee not to feel obligated to put me on the ballot and to only use me if they could not find anyone else.  

Elections were in March and I was surprised to see three people up for the treasurer position.  I assumed that they just put my name on to be nice and either the CPA that was running would win or the previous treasurer would be reelected.  Thus, I was surprised to hear that I had won.  I was a little bit nervous at first, but once I saw who else was elected as President, Vice President and Secretary, I felt a lot better.  I knew all of them and had enjoyed getting to know them this year.  

I didn't really think much about my new position until this week.  We had a new officers meeting on Monday night and I was a little bit overwhelmed to say the least.  Last year's treasurer had a family emergency so the books had not been balanced yet, an audit need performed, and there were several meetings that we needed to have this summer that I couldn't attend, because I would be in Indiana for Meg's bridal shower and wedding.  

Thankfully, tonight I felt a lot better.  I was able to meet with the leadership chairperson.  She would be able to help with the audit.  The new president also made me feel a lot better about the summer schedule.  The best part of the night was the actual meeting.  There was a mass beforehand in memory of a parish priest that had died earlier in the year that we attended as a group.  The installation of officers was next.  It was an impression ceremony in which Father Pat oversaw.  We then had dinner, fellowship, pictures and a short meeting before adjournment.  As I drove home tonight, I couldn't help but feel good inside.  When we moved, I wanted to find a church that was welcoming, provided spiritual support and had multiple ways to get involved.  Blessed Trinity has been all of that and more.

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