Monday, May 13, 2024

Summer Classes

Cameron started two summer classes last week.  He is taking one of the harder business school prerequisites and a class on folklore which fulfilled a general requirement.  The first one requires Cameron to be online two hours a day, five days a week, but is only four weeks long.  The second one is at his own pace and is six weeks long.  He's not too excited about either one, but it would really help his schedule out in the long run.  It would free time for him to study abroad next summer and get a full time internship during the following one.   

The other nice part about taking classes this summer is that it keeps Cameron busy and focused on his education.  With traveling back and forth to Florida, being a part of Meg's wedding and helping with the Bethany golf team, Cameron didn't really have much time for a summer job.  Classes will fill the void where a job would have been and still allow him time to hang out with Alina and his friends in Goshen while he's in Indiana.

Cameron's already talking about staying in Bloomington next summer.  I think that sounds like a great idea.  He could finish his study abroad program, take classes, and hang out with his IU friends all while living with his roommates in his own apartment.  Some of my best memories of my college days were made during summers in Bloomington.  Cameron definitely would enjoy it just as much.  

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