Friday, May 24, 2024

Flashback to Last Year

The past twenty-four hours have felt like a flashback to last year at this time.  Just like in the past, Doug went to the cancer doctor for his yearly screening, we stopped at Walmart for groceries, and then enjoyed a fun late lunch at Hacienda.  We also played rounds of Oh Hell, ate lunch at Oakwood with Cameron, watched the boats go by and even made it to Goshen Brewing Company for a snack and some new beers for Doug to try.  

The part that felt most like Memorial Day weekend last year was attending Alina's open house.  It was a very nice event filled with delicious food, cake and a lot of support from the Bethany community.  It was nice to see all of Alina's accomplishments and the pictures that she had on display.  It was also wonderful to visit with so many of the Bethany teachers and friends of Cameron.  It was an awesome reminder of how much we loved the Bethany community.  The rain didn't even dampen the mood and I was very glad that we were able to attend.  

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