Saturday, May 11, 2024

Snake Away 1; Snake 0

To say that I was a little bit obsessive after seeing a snake in my backyard would be an understatement.  I had spread more Snake Away than I needed, emptied two bags of Epsom Salt in our yard, bought a snake pole and gloves, plus put a new corner caddy with "anti-snake" tools on the back patio.  Cameron even gave me a new sign for Mother's Day that I proudly displayed.  The only thing that I hadn't done was research how to purchase snake repellent - a tool that I knew that Batman would use if it existed.  

I was glad that all of my efforts had worked.  I had been checking for weeks to make sure that the backyard was snake free and that its hiding place in the fence was empty.  I hadn't seen the snake since it hissed at me last month.  I felt a lot less scared, but still always cautious when I went out on the back patio.  I knew that it wasn't poisonous, but I definitely wasn't interested in startling it and risking my family's first ever snake bite.  

Today, I received even better news.  Doug found the "vicious" offender dead in our front yard.  It must have found a new hiding place there when I scared him away with the inordinate amount of Snake Away that I put down last month in the back yard.  We weren't sure what killed it, but thought that maybe the weed and feed that Tru Green sprayed on our yard on Friday was too much for it.  It didn't matter to me.  I was just so glad to be done worrying about snakes for now.  I was also happy that Doug made good use out of our new snake pole moving the dead reptile into the bushes with it.  I do realize that snakes are good for the eco-system and keep rats and other rodents away from our home.  Even so, this one was a little too close for comfort and I was extremely happy that I no longer had to worry about it.  

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