Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Fall Guy

When I saw that Ryan Gosling had a new movie out this spring, I thought that I might want to see it. I loved him in the Barbie movie and it looked like this one might be funny as well.  It was based on a 1980s television show, "The Fall Guy", that I remembered, but never really watched.  Doug was more of a fan of it, so I asked him what he thought.  He wasn't sure, but said that he would go with me if I wanted to see it. Once we heard that Cal had given it two thumbs up, we made plans to see it this weekend.

Doug was home from work in time to catch the 4:30 showing today.  The movie had a lot of action which he really liked.  It also had a love story and was very funny as well.  Ryan Gosling was in 100% of the scenes which we both appreciated.   We also loved seeing Lee Majors, the original star of the Fall Guy, show up in the final credits and enjoyed Jason Momoa's cameo as well.  Although it wasn't quite as good as The Barbie Movie, it was a fun way to spend an afternoon and a great way to start Mother's Day weekend.    

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