Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Back to Florida

I am not sure why, but last night I had a terrible time sleeping.  I think that I was anxious about getting Doug to Midway and then making it to South Bend airport on my own.  I hadn't driven through Chicago in a long time.  I did eventually fall asleep, but I was pretty tired this morning when I got up.  

The good part about not sleeping was that I able to switch Doug to an earlier flight.  Southwest has a new same day standby policy.  It worked perfectly for him except that he got a C boarding pass and ended up between two large men on the plane.  He said that he didn't mind as he fell asleep right away and it got him back to Florida almost six hours earlier than originally planned.

Another reason that I struggled to sleep last night was that I was very sad that Doug was returning to Florida.  We would be apart for almost three weeks and I knew that I would really miss him.  He would be busy with work, so it made sense for me to stay.  I also had a lot of plans with my children and friends.  Thankfully, the trip to South Bend went well and by the time I dropped off the rental car, I felt a lot better.  My mom picked me up and we stopped by the cemetery before making it back to Syracuse.  The rest of the day was a quiet one, but we did get to play cards after dinner.  Overall, it was a good day and I was glad that both Doug and I safely arrived at our respective destinations.

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