Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Unique Solution

I spent the today in Magic Kingdom with Meg and Nick.  It was a great day even with the brief thunderstorm.  We spent that time riding Pirates of the Caribbean before donning ponchos to ride the train around the park.  We did get in other rides during our trip and ate a fun lunch at Casey's Corner.  We also went shopping and hung out at the Boardwalk for awhile.  It reminded me a lot of the times that we stayed at the resort when our children were younger.  It was a lot of fun then and I was very glad that Nick and Meg were enjoying all of the amenities that the resort had to offer.

While we were walking out of the park, I realized that my back was hurting.  That was unusual for me, but I figured it was from all of the walking and standing that we did that day.  The pain didn't go away once I got home and by the time I picked up Doug from work, it was intense.  I thought that rest and Ibuprofen would help, but by 8:30 it was so bad that I considered going to urgent care.  

Instead, I decided to wait until morning.  If it got worse or stayed the same, I would call the doctor.  I knew that I wasn't going to die, it just hurt.  Around this time, Doug finished working at home and asked me if I wanted a drink.  I really don't drink much anymore, but 7-UP and cherry vodka sounded good, so I went ahead and had one.  We then started watching Modern Family and within ten minutes I realized that the pain in my back had completely gone away.  I couldn't believe it.  The vodka must have acted like a muscle relaxer.  I didn't care, I was just so excited that my back felt so much better.  It was not a solution that I would use frequently, but for tonight, I would call it a win.  Now, if it would just work on my leg, that would be a real victory.  

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