Friday, May 3, 2024

A Successful Freshmen Year

Cameron arrived late last night and was incredibly glad to be done with this first year of college.  He had had an awesome experience.  He made a lot of friends, was elected to a chair position on Student Athletic Board, and had finished with straight A's.  His weather professor even messaged Cameron to let him know that he had received the highest grade on the final in the class and had earned one of the highest grades ever out of all of the students that he had taught, thus solidifying his decision to minoring in Atmospheric Science along with this Finance major.  

Cameron decided to celebrate today by sleeping until noon.  I remember those days well, coming home after finals and just wanting to sleep all week.  I did finally wake him up so that he could go to a late lunch with Doug and I to Stumpknockers on the River.  We had wanted to take him to the place in Dunnellon ever since we visited several weeks ago.  He found the atmosphere to be just as interesting as we did with an outside patio along the river.   Several of the local boaters even arrived shirtless and relaxed at the bar while we were there.  Cameron and  Doug both tried the Louisiana gator meal and really liked it.  Cameron and I walked down to the river afterward, so that I could show him all of the wildlife and famous stumps.  

We spent the rest of the afternoon watching Modern Family, Doug's new favorite television show, and Brooklyn 99, which Cameron really likes.  Both were a lot of fun.  The guys also got in a few rounds of ping pong before Phil joined us for pizza and a round of Catan in which Doug dominated.  Afterward, we introduced Cameron to the world of MTV with some of the best music videos of our generation.  He found them very interesting and decided that he probably wouldn't watch Tom Petty's "Don't Come Around Here No More" again.  Thankfully, the Florida musician redeemed himself with "Gainesville" later in the night.  Either way, it was an awesome way to spend the evening.  

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