Thursday, May 23, 2024

Survivor Finale

Last night was the Survivor finale.  Although I had sworn not to watch any more episodes after my favorite player was blindsided,  I ended up watching way more than I planned.  I was glad that I did as it was the most interesting Survivor that I had watched since the original aired twenty four years ago in May 2000.  Not only did my favorite player get voted out this season in a blindside with an idol in his pocket, there were four others that did as well.  It was crazy.  This season also featured the two most annoying Survivor players ever, including one who was allergic to anything and everything.  In addition, I thought that it was hard to guess who would go home at each tribal council or who the overall winner would be.

The Survivor finale show saw another first for me.  I couldn't remember any other time that I would have been happy with any of the final three winning.  The jury had a tough decision and finally picked the one that had been on the ropes from the very first day.  Her tribe had gone eleven straight days without flint and lost the first four immunity challenges.  She definitely was deserving, but her win brought even more drama to the show when the two closest allies had a falling out.  The one on the jury did not vote for her "ride or die" giving his opponent the 5-3 edge.  Even better than the finale was all of the tweets posted afterward vilifying the choice.  In the end, I was glad that I decided to stay engaged.  It was a fun way to spend Wednesday nights this Spring.

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