Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

It has been a long time since we spent Mother's Day with all four of our children.  In fact, I believe that it may have been Cameron's confirmation weekend, five years ago.  In 2014, I actually spent Mother's Day home alone with only Meg so that Brett and Doug could visit Jeanette on her last holiday.  Thus, I had gotten used to spending Mother's Day with only one or two Heinisch children.  It looked like this year, I would only be spending it with Doug.  That had not happened since I was pregnant with Brett.

Although I would have enjoyed hanging out with only Doug for the day, I was very happy when Meg invited him and I to meet her and Nick at Epcot today.  They were going to be in Orlando for a few days this week and although they didn't plan it, the timing was perfect for a Mother's Day celebration.  The four of us had a lot of fun riding a few rides, walking through the countries and sampling some of the flower and garden festival food.  It was a wonderful afternoon ending with a new MagicBand+ from Meg and Nick.

Meg wasn't the only one that made Mother's Day special.  Doug had surprised me with flowers on Friday.  Cameron had given me a "caution snake" sign for the backyard while he was here last week.  Cal sent me a Disney gift card that I was able to use today for a new phone case, and Brett texted to let me know that he had a fun gift for me the next time I saw him.  Although, I loved all of the presents, my favorite part about today was spending it with Meg and having each of the boys call to wish me a Happy Mother's Day.  The best part of my life is being Doug's wife and their mother.  Whether in person or across the miles, I always enjoy hearing from the Heinisch four.  They are loved more than they will ever know.

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