Thursday, May 16, 2024

The End of a Wonderful Prayer Group

When I started Barry's Cenacle in March, I didn't know what to expect, but I was excited to learn more about it.  The first thing that I realized was that the group was quite a bit older than me and had several seasoned prayer group members.  I decided that the best approach for me was to sit quietly and listen.  I was so glad that I did this as I learned quite a bit over the past three months.  Not only did Barry have a lot to share, but so did the women that were part of the group.  There were Bible verses, stories of faith, the history of the Catholic Church, reflections on the afterlife and so much more.  My favorite lessons revolved around Barry's travels throughout the world in search of sacred places.  I even learned about a few Saints that I had never known before and was surprised with roses after a group novena to St. Therese of Lisieux.  I really looked forward to each Thursday morning and will miss it a lot.  

Thankfully, our prayer group ended just as I was getting ready to go to Indiana for a few weeks.  Thus, I will have other wonderful things going on to keep me occupied.  I hope that there will be another group starting up in the fall, but if not, this spring has inspired me to learn more and continue on my own faith journey.  

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