Sunday, May 26, 2024

Tough Memories

As much fun as it has been visiting our favorite places in Northern Indiana and seeing old friends, there is one memory that stands out in the month of May that is very difficult to remember.  Two years ago this week, Cameron's friend, Richard was shot and killed in an unthinkable domestic situation.  Although, Cameron and I can now talk about him without the incident coming into play, it took a lot of work to get there.  Thus, being back in Syracuse sometimes is hard for both of us at times, especially this time of year. 

When I think back to how far Cameron and I have come since May of 2022, I am really impressed.  In August of that same year, I told Cameron that our goals was to "move forward with Richard's memory and leave the tragedy behind.  I am not sure that either of us thought that we would get there, but I can definitely say that we have.  At times processing the grief was all consuming.  Thus, I really appreciative of all our family for their support. 

Cameron said recently that Richard's death was a defining moment in his life.  I know that it was for me as a mom as well.  I have thought about Rocky Balboa's quote regarding life many times over the past two years.  “Life ain't about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can GET hit and keep moving forward”.   Incredibly thankful today to be moving forward.  

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