Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Indiana Primary

Today was one of Brett's favorite days of the year - the Indiana Primary.  He had worded very hard this spring to help several campaigns in the state.  His main focus was the governor's race for which he made hundreds of phone calls on Mike Braun's behalf in his bid for the Republican party governor's nomination.  Brett also worked on Andrew Ireland's campaign this spring.  He was excited to find out that Ireland had earned the GOP nomination for the Indiana House of Representatives.  In fact almost everyone that Brett backed during this primary won their nomination.

The best news of the night, however, wasn't the victories of the politicians that Brett helped.  Instead, we were all very happy to hear that he had won his bid for delegate to the Indiana Republican party convention this summer.  Sean would join him as delegate as he had won a seat as well.  I know that they were both extremely excited to hear the announcement last night.  It was a well earned victory and I for one can't wait to hear all about their experiences this June.

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