Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Our 31st Anniversary!

I always thought of our 30th wedding anniversary as a huge milestone.  Cameron would be graduating high school and soon off to college.  Brett, Cal and Meg would all be done with college and starting their adult lives.  At first I thought we'd celebrate with a romantic cruise or a trip to Key West.  I never dreamed that we'd be getting our home ready to sell so that we could move to Florida permanently.   With all that was going on, we never took that vacation that I had always dreamed of years ago.  That never mattered to me as I was way too excited about our new adventure.  Plus, I knew that we'd be able to travel more once we reached Florida then we had in the Midwest.  

As we quietly celebrated our 31st anniversary today, I couldn't help but smile.  This year had been filled with so many changes.  Doug and I had grown to  absolutely loved Ocala.  We have found so much to do in our new town and the surrounding areas.  We also really liked the weather and our new church has been an absolute blessing.  In saying that, we have put in a lot of hard work this past year to make the move a successful one.  Thus, it was very nice tonight to celebrate at the first restaurant that we ever visited in Ocala - Crazy Cucumber.   

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