Monday, May 6, 2024

The Tootsie Roll Drive & the Lincoln Zoo

While we were enjoying our visit with Cameron, all of the Heinisch's in the Midwest were having a nice weekend as well.   Brett was in charge of the Tootsie Roll Drive for the Bloomington Knights of Columbus.  I don't know how long he has been running the charitable event, but I believe it has been at least four years now.  Last year was one of the most stressful ones as Walmart decided to deny the longtime fundraiser at their location at the last minute.  Brett had to scramble to find a new one.  Thankfully, another Knight worked for Kroger by the mall and they were able to change locations albeit to a different weekend.  This year they went back to graduation weekend for the drive and had a very successful turnout in monetary donations and volunteers.

Cal and Meg both had nice weekends as well.  Cal spent a lot of it with Maggie.  He had decided not to go to Las Vegas with his friend group and instead enjoyed watching movies with her and trying out the Margaritaville restaurant on Navy Pier.  Meg and Nick did some shopping on Saturday and had a nice dinner together before he had to fly out on Sunday.  Meg and Cal used that time to go to the Lincoln Park Zoo together.  They had a lot of fun seeing the animals, taking a walk and catching up on old high school news.  I loved the pictures of the animals that Meg took until I saw the one of the snake.  Even with that on my text message, I was really glad to hear that everyone had had a wonderful weekend in the Midwest.  

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