Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Back "Home"' Again in Indiana

Doug and I left this afternoon for the Midwest.  We had planned this trip so incredibly long ago, it was hard to believe that it was finally time to leave.  Doug had not been back to Indiana since February and I had last visited in March.  Our flight was a good one although we had some turbulence in the air and hit some bumps on the landing.  I watched the movie "Anyone But You" on the trip.  Meg had really liked it, and I found it very entertaining.  Doug slept for most of the flight.  He had started taking cough medicine that made him pretty tired.  Thankfully, the rest made it easy for him to drive from Midway to the South Bend airport.

Cameron met us at the second airport.  Doug and I were both glad to see him and enjoyed a nice dinner out together at Evil Czech.  Cameron filled us in on all that he had been up to since we last saw him in Ocala.  His classes and golf had kept him extremely busy.  He was also able to catch up with his friends from Bethany and those still in high school.  He and Alina had spent some time together and had made plans for what they would do once she graduated.  It was a great way to celebrate our return "home." 

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