Thursday, May 30, 2024

Cleaning Out

Since I planned on being in Indiana for a couple of weeks, I decided to come up with some projects to keep me busy.  The first one on my list was to sort through everything that Meg had sent back from Chicago.  She thought that Brett or Cameron might need a couple of the items and that she would donate the rest.  I was glad that I sorted through it all as there were a few items that had been accidentally placed in the pile.  Once we figure out what was for the donation pile and what wasn't, Cameron then looked through it all to decide what he would like to keep.  He and I also set aside some clothes for Alina to look at and a fews items for Brett.  We even kept a few things for Cal in case he moves out on his own next year.  

Once I finished with everything of Meg's, I turned my attention to the upstairs closet where I had stored quite a bit after we sold the Syracuse house in August.  It was organized, but still packed with things that I thought Cameron, Cal, Meg or Brett might need in the future.  It also had Meg's wedding dress in it as well as her Prom dresses and a robe that I had made for her out of my wedding dress.  It didn't take as long as I thought that it would.  It then only took Cameron ten minutes to decide what he wanted for Bloomington, what he wanted to save for later and what he wouldn't need.  We moved some of it to the garage with the furniture for IU and organized the rest back into the closet.  There was definitely a lot more space then when I started and overall, I was very thankful to have finished my organizing for the day.  It was an awesome way to spend my time in Syracuse and it felt great to be productive.  

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