Monday, July 15, 2024

Visits to Indiana

While we were enjoying our weekend in Orlando, Cal and Meg both visited Syracuse. Cal was there to play in a golf tournament with Grandpa Cutes.  It was a two-man alternate shot and they both had a lot of fun.  They started off slow, double bogeying number two and having a four on number three, but after that, they stayed even with the course happy with their three over final score. The best part was that they had a skin on number 14 with a tough birdie that gave them back their entry fee.  Cal enjoyed hanging out with both Grandma and Grandpa while he was in Syracuse.  They ate some great meals together and watched the game show, Switch.  Cal had never seen it before and had fun playing it with Grandpa.

Meg was in Syracuse to get a few things done for her wedding and also to attend one of her best friends from childhood, Kaitlin's, wedding. Meg sent pictures of the beautiful afternoon and called me later to let me know how wonderful it was.  Instead of dancing at the reception , Kaitlin and her new husband played their string instruments in a small concert for their guests. Meg said the whole day made her cry.  She was so happy that Kaitlin had found somebody nice.  While she was there, she also got to see a few of her other friends from high school.  She said that was a lot of fun as well.  I loved that she got to go to a wedding before hers.  It was a nice reminder that a marriage is so much more than just a wedding day.

On the way home, Meg and Nick stopped in Maryville to see her friend from college, Maddie. They ate dinner at Portillo‘s and played miniature golf.  Meg was incredibly thankful to spend some time with her friend, relax and talk about their upcoming plans.  It was great hearing from both Meg and Cal this weekend . I wasso glad that they had a fun visit in Syracuse and can’t wait to see them both in two weeks.

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