Sunday, July 21, 2024

Family Week

Cameron was up early this morning for a trip to Indy. He had made plans to play golf with his IU friends and future roommates. He had a lot of fun, tied for the top in the group and enjoyed Raising Canes afterward.  He talked about nothing else when he got to Grandma's and was happy to show off his new Raising Canes rewards card. 

While Cameron was busy, Doug and I spent the day with Brett in Bloomington. I first cut both of he and Doug's hair. We figured that would be the best way to do it as it would give them a week to grow and shape before the wedding.  Afterward, we played a game of Germany Ticket to Ride and then headed to Oliver winery for some wine tasting. Doug and Brett enjoyed several different wines. Each bought a bottle to take home.

Doug gave Brett a couple of choices for lunch stops that he would be interested in going to this afternoon. Brett picked Uplands Brewery and all of us had some awesome sandwiches.  Doug and I stayed in Bloomington till about four.  That gave Brett and I a chance to finish the Law and Order that we started last night and also gave Doug an opportunity to take a short nap. 

Our trip home was a tough one as my leg was really bothering me. We stopped every hour or so to stretch and walk. That really helped. By the time we got to my mom’s, I was more than ready to get out of the car. Thankfully, there were some ice packs I could put on it and a soft pillow to put under it. By the time I went to bed, it was a lot better.  As hard as the drive was on my leg today.  I was still incredibly happy. We had had a fantastic day with Brett, but the best part was that it was just the beginning of a fun family week for us all.

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