Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Inside Out 2

Cameron and I talked about going to see the new Pixar movie, Inside Out 2, at some point this summer.  Once we heard that Meg, Brett and Alina liked it, we decided to move it up on our to do list.  We picked today's 11:30 a.m viewing and headed to the movie theater early.  Cameron expected it to be crowded, but the movie had been out for almost a month, so I didn't.  He was correct, but thankfully we did find a seat that wasn't in the first three rows.  

I didn't know what to expect from the movie.  I remembered liking the first one, but not to the rewatchable level.  Today's film started off with the main character not only transitioning to high school, but also going through puberty.  I thought that it might become a little awkward after that, but it really never was.  Instead, it was super honest about how tough it is to be that age.  Sports teams, friendships, and relationships with parents are real life struggles that every person goes through in their early teenage years.  It was completely relatable and the new emotions were perfect for the movie.  There were some really funny scenes and some tear jerking ones as well.  Cameron and I both enjoyed the film immensely and I recommended it to Cal right away.  I know that he will really like it also, and I can't wait to hear his thoughts on it as well.  

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