Friday, July 19, 2024

Brine & Brews

Last night, we celebrated our summer in Ocala by revisiting Swamp Head Brewery.  They were having a Brine and Brews night.  For the event, a local pickle company had cups of pickled fruits and vegetables that we could purchase.  Swamp Head then matched those with several of their beers.  Cameron and Doug really enjoyed it.  Their favorite pickled treats were the spicy ones, whereas I stopped trying them with the pineapple and jalapeño mix.  It was about as hot as I could take.  I really didn't think that the beers went with the fruits, but I’m not much of a connoisseur.   They were good, however and overall, it was a lot of fun.  The three of us had had a great summer together.  I was very sad to see it end, but really looking forward to next week with our entire family.

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