Friday, July 26, 2024

Rehearsal Day

Today was all about getting ready for Meg’s wedding. We did have some time to grab lunch at Buffalouies and walk through campus a little bit, but most of our day was spent getting ready for the rehearsal. I used the majority of my free time to steam my dress for tomorrow and the guys' shirts for tonight. Everyone said that I was a little obsessive about it, but I wanted everything to be perfect for the weekend.  Thankfully, we were able to check into the IMU early. It took a little while to move everything to our room from Brett’s apartment, but I was really glad that we did. It meant that I could be available to help Meg with anything that she needed, and we could get Phil‘s clothes to his room before he got off of the shuttle.

The rehearsal was tonight at St Paul’s. It was the most laid-back Catholic church rehearsal that I had ever attended.  Father Reginald was awesome, but he didn’t go over a lot of the details with everyone. He spent the majority of his time focused on the mass. That was great, but I decided in the end to just take charge of what everyone would need to be doing tomorrow outside of the ceremony, such as what the ushers would be doing and where they would stand, where the gift bearers would be sitting, what room would be available for the bridal party tomorrow and how everyone would walk in before the bridal party. I felt a little bossy, but decided that if I didn’t say something, we would all be confused tomorrow. In the end everyone said that it really helped as they thought that the rehearsal was a little more laid-back than they had been a part of in the past. I was glad to hear that.

The rehearsal dinner was at mother Bear’s. Paula had gotten there early to make sure the food order was in and there was plenty of space for everyone. The room they put us in was a little crowded for 35 people, but we made it work and it was a lot of fun. I got to meet more of Nick‘s family and they got to enjoy one of our favorite restaurants in Bloomington. Meg and Nick also got to signed their names on the wall for the first time ever. I loved it all.

After the rehearsal dinner, we tried to meet up with Dan‘s family and Phil. We got to Nick’s shortly after they had left. Once we saw the crowd at Upstairs Bar, we decided to just stay at Nick‘s and catch up with them tomorrow. Brett tried to go over and meet everyone and decided that it was a little too much for him, so instead Paula, Brett, Doug, and I all enjoyed a drink at Nick's and unwinded. Cameron stayed at the hotel and worked on his speech. Overall it was a nice relaxing night after such a busy day. 

I was so happy that today was perfect.  In fact there was only one problem on the day.  Nick burned a hole in his pants right before the rehearsal dinner. I would have felt terrible for him, but everybody made fun of me for being obsessive with my steamer that all I could do was laugh when Meg told me.

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