Monday, July 22, 2024

Paula's Retirement Party

Tonight was Paula‘s retirement party and I was so thankful to be able to attend. Paula and I had been talking about her retiring, selling her house and moving to Indy since last fall. I was so glad to see all of her hard work toward that goal recognized tonight by her friends . We ate dinner together.  We told stories about Paula and our time as teachers at Milford School. We laughed. We cried. It was all just wonderful.  

I know that this is a big step for Paula and I’m super excited for her. With that said, I realize that it takes time to adjust to all of the changes. The good part is that her house already sold and her new one is close to completion. She also had a new hybrid job close to her home in Indy. That will keep her busy in the transition.

Another nice part about tonight was that I got to see our group that taught together and catch up with all of them. Wendy shared her experience in Costa Rica this summer. Cherie gave us some bad news about her dad. I heard all about Cheryl Walkers' funeral, and even got to see the longtime receptionist and secretary for Milford Schools. It was an awesome evening and a fantastic way to celebrate how hard Paula has worked to build a beautiful life for herself and her girls. I’ve never known anyone as strong as Paula and I probably never will. I’m just super thankful to call her friend.

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