Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Getting Ready

Part of the reason that we arrived in Indiana early in the week was to help get ready for the wedding. Meg had everything organized, which was super helpful, but there were still some things that could only be done this week. Yesterday, Cameron and I went and got haircuts, and today I colored my hair hair. On Sunday Doug picked up his tux. Everyone else except for Cameron already had theirs.  Thankfully, his came in today. Meg had all of the table decorations ready, but they still needed boxed up to take to Bloomington.  Grandma and I spent time this afternoon bubble wrapping them and getting them ready for the trip tomorrow. I also spent some time packing the items that we had left at my mom’s when we moved last August. Since we weren’t going to travel up monthly like we thought at first, I wanted to take everything back to Florida except for the toiletries that Cameron would need while he was staying there. Even with Doug and my items packed in the van, Grandma's house was still full as Cameron had everything stored at Grandma's that he would need for college.  Besides the toiletries, the only other items that we left were the desk supplies.  That way our family could still work remotely if they needed to when they visited Syracuse.  

I wasn’t sure how long it would take to get everything ready, but was glad that we were done in time to play Oh Hell tonight. Everyone had been looking forward to it as the five of us hadn’t played cards together since May. After the game, we spent some time relaxing on the porch and enjoying the beautiful weather. Indiana definitely has Florida beat in July. Even on its hottest days, it’s still cool at night. Today was a lot of work.  Thus, I really enjoyed the relaxing evening.  

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