Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Music Bingo

One of Doug's favorite activities here in Ocala has been going to music bingo at The Lodge downtown on Wednesday nights.  We have played several times and have enjoyed it immensely.  Every round is a different type of genre of music.  Our favorites have been ones that included songs from the past.  Even when we don't know the song, we have still done pretty well as the host encourages everyone to use the Shazam app to figure out the artist.  

I thought that music bingo would be the perfect way to start Doug's birthday celebration a little early.  Thankfully, Meg and Cameron agreed.  After an afternoon of shopping, it was also a great way to unwind.  The four of us arrived shortly before the music started.  There were other players, but it was not quite as crowded as in the past.  The music was fun, especially the first round, which was all oldies.  Meg didn't even need the Shazam app to let us know who the artist was.  None of us won in the first three rounds, but got close as several of the cards only needed one square before someone else yelled bingo.  Luck was with us on the fourth round, however.  The last space that I needed was Led Zeppelin.  I knew that it was a long shot that I would win, because we had been playing for quite some time.  Thankfully, Doug knew "Rock and Roll" by one of his favorite groups within the first two beats.  We both yelled Bingo before anyone else and soon had a nice new Guinness glass and S25 off of our dinner bill.  We stopped by Grandpa Joe's to celebrate on the way our, happy with our evening plans and thankful for our family's love of music.  

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