Sunday, July 28, 2024

Saying Goodbye to a Fantastic Weekend

I think that all of the wedding fun finally caught up with me last night. I felt absolutely awful after midnight. I'm sure it was the adrenaline rush leaving my body.  I could barely move and I couldn't sleep even though I was completely exhausted. I was really worried about getting through today as I did not want to miss saying goodbye to Meg this morning and going out to lunch with the boys afterward. Thankfully, I made it.  Meg and Nick were up early, excited about their trip to Key West. We saw them off and then helped move their gifts to Grandma's car as well as the flowers from Paula.  Grandma agreed to take everything back to Syracuse so Meg could sort through it all next weekend. I did pack several vases of flowers for Florida.  I planned to display them around the house so that I could always remember what an awesome weekend it really was.

After we loaded Grandma's car, Doug and I went back up to the rooms to pack and make sure that we had everything. Cameron and Alina left to play disc golf and had a lot of fun even though it rained quite a bit this morning. We met them at Brett's afterward and picked up a few things from there to take back to Florida. We also gave Brett the wooden stairs to deliver to the cake lady next week. 

Grandma and Grandpa left for Syracuse from Brett's. The rest of us met Cal and Maggie at McAllister's. I really enjoyed talking with all of my children and their girlfriends. Everyone was so happy and I loved hearing their thoughts on the wedding, the reception, and just how much fun they had had. Lunch definitely went by way too quickly for me.  I didn't want it to end, but I knew that everyone needed to get back on the road. Cal and Maggie headed straight for Chicago after lunch. Brett and Karen went back to his apartment to hang out and rest before she left for New Albany. Cameron and Alina decided to stay in Bloomington a little bit longer and then stop by IKEA on their way home. I tried really hard not to cry when we left. We had had such a fantastic wedding weekend with our family. Even though I was very sad that it was over and that my summer with Cameron was done, I was still incredibly happy.  We have had some big adversities over the last couple of years, but our family is extremely blessed.   I am so incredibly proud of how much we have supported one another. This weekend was a wonderful reminder of that.

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