Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Birthday Doug

It was a very atypical birthday for Doug as he worked all morning and the majority of the afternoon.  I felt bad until I realized that a lot of people work on their birthdays and on holidays.  We had been very fortunate that Doug only had to work this one time.  He did get to take a break for lunch today and was happy that Meg had suggested Crazy Cucumber.  We even picked up Crumbl Cookie for dessert on the way home.

Tonight was more of the celebration that we had become accustomed to on the 4th of July.  Doug made cheesy potatoes for dinner which we all enjoyed after he opened his gifts.  He loved the new vinyls - Last of the Mohicans form Meg and Dave Brubeck from Cameron.  Cal sent him a book on the history of Big Ten Basketball which he couldn't wait to read.  We also gave him a bag of his favorite treats - cashews and Ghirardelli.  My gift was handmade, but perfect for Doug.  He hung it in the garage right away.

The rest of the evening was spent enjoying dinner, playing games and trying the different cookies.  Phil joined us and Cameron introduced he and Meg to Alina's game, "Fun Facts."  We also got in a few rounds of Chameleon before the end of the evening as well.  There was a lot of talk in our neighborhood about a block party and fireworks.  I was a little nervous that it would be out of control, but in the end it was very tame.  The strong rainstorm that came through before dusk probably helped slow the party goers down.  We skipped all fireworks this evening and ended the night with a round of Mario Kart instead.  It was a lot of fun and a wonderful night celebrating Doug's 54th birthday.  

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