Thursday, August 1, 2024

Cameron Back in Indiana

 I had such a fun summer with Cameron that I was really sad to be back in a Ocala without him. I figured that he would be OK without me and was glad that he found a lot of things to do even when Alina was working. So far, he’s been able to play golf with Grandpa and with his friends from the golf team. He has hung out with his high school friends and also has played disc golf. He’s gone out to eat with a few people and has definitely played a lot of cards with grandma and grandpa. 

That is the one thing that I really miss about being in Florida. I do love to play cards with everybody. I know that my family can’t live with me forever, but it’s so much fun when they’re here. That is probably why it’s so hard when they leave. Thankfully, Meg has already talked about coming back for a visit, and Doug‘s making plans for the next time we visit the Midwest again. I will see everybody in the middle of August when Cameron moves in to his apartment. I’m already looking forward to it.

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