Saturday, August 10, 2024

Lowe's Hot Dogs

Today was definitely a lot better than yesterday.  I didn't sleep very well, but Doug finished his work well before lunchtime so that we could enjoy the rest of the day.  The first place that we decided to go was Lowe's.  Meg told me not to do any projects this weekend, but buying a planter for the wildflower seeds that Jeannette gave us at Meg's shower wasn't a project.  It was fun.  Doug also figured out how to drain the planters in the backyard.  Lately when it rained, they would be completely full of water.  That shouldn't be a problem anymore.  I really enjoyed working in the backyard and everything looked very nice when we finished.  

One other benefit to going to Lowe's today was that we finally got to try their hot dog stand.  I had read on the Ocala Restaurant FaceBook page that they had the best hot dogs in town.  They smelled delicious every time we walked about out of the store and we both always wanted to try them.  It had been months since I had eaten a hot dog and I was very excited about it.  I picked the jumbo one and Doug chose an Italian sausage.  They were just as good as I read that they were.  I wouldn't get one every weekend, but for a treat on a Saturday afternoon it was perfect and a great way to start our Saturday.

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