Wednesday, August 21, 2024

On His Own

I was sad to leave Cameron this year, but nothing like last year. Cameron was more than ready for me to go after a couple days of moving in last weekend. I couldn’t blame him.  We had a great summer together, but he was ready for some independence. His apartment was situated really well and he had some great roommates to hang out with during Welcome Week. 

Cameron texted and called a couple of times this past week.  I had fun listening to him tell me about what he had been up to since I left Saturday.  He finished organizing his room, attended church, hung out with his roommates, attended SAB events, and even caught up with a friend from Bethany that is a freshman at IU this year. Cameron also talked a lot about the upcoming football season. There’s a kick off night at Memorial Stadium on Saturday that he plans to attend. 

Cameron has also shared some of the purchases he’s made for the apartment including his new favorite kitchen item - a bacon plate. Cooking his own meals was one of the things that he was most looking forward to this year. He’s already sent us several pictures of the food that he has made and was proud of the chicken pesto sandwiches that he made for family night dinner on Sunday.  What a great way to start the semester.

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