Saturday, August 3, 2024

Hurricane Kit

A week after we moved here last year, a hurricane hit North Central Florida. The eye of the storm made landfall about 50 miles from us, causing tornadoes in the Ocala area. It was intense but not too different than what we had experienced with Spring storms in Indiana. Areas closer to the coast did have some major damage. We could still see some of that six months later when we drove through Crystal River on our way to the beach.

This year I had time to be more prepared for hurricane season. According to the local meteorologist, this season could be the worst one in history. I realize that most hurricanes probably won’t reach us, but the winds, the rain and the tornadoes that it produces might. I wasn’t exactly sure what to do to get ready, but thankfully the state of Florida had a disaster supply kit checklist online. I spent time today going through that entire list to see what we had and what we needed. Most of the items were every day items that we always had on hand, first aid kit, copies of our important papers, a small generator, extra batteries, flashlights, etc. What we didn’t have was supplies in case we lost power for a few days. 

With that in mind and the threat of a storm in the next few days, I headed to Walmart with a list to pick up paper products, food that would not need to be cooked, and cases of water. I packed up everything once I showed them to Doug. I put most of the items in a tub or basket and made room for those supplies, the generator and the cases of water in our front closet. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be the first hurricane of the season. We’ve been watching it follow up through the gulf. Hopefully, it remains a tropical storm, but if not, we are definitely more than prepared. 

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