Monday, August 26, 2024

Here's to A Better Week Ahead

Meg and Nick had a really rough week last week. They had to take a break from a long time friendship due to circumstances out of their control. Unfortunately, hurtful things were said to them that will take some time to get over.  I feel really bad that this happened, but I guess I’m not that surprised. It is hard to be friends with someone who always needs to be right or has no empathy for others. It doesn’t make that person a bad person, per se, but it is challenging to maintain a close friendship, especially when you need support on a delicate matter.

I was glad that decided not to involve anyone else in their friend group on that decision. Criticizing a friend to another friend is one of the worst things that a person can do. I was also happy this weekend that they were able to connect with friends.  On Saturday and Sunday, Maddie was able to come out and spend a few days with them.  It was what they needed to take their mind off of the situation. The three of them went to the ice cream museum, the American Girl Doll store and the zoo. Meg and Maddy also enjoyed making crafts together. Tonight, Carson showed them the interview videos from the wedding and that definitely took their mind off of anything negative in their life. They absolutely loved the video. It was a lot of fun to watch and a great reminder of what an awesome wedding that they had had.

There is no better remedy to getting over a hurtful relationship than spending time with a more positive one. Hopefully, this will be a better week for both Meg and Nick. Thankfully, soon, all of this will just be a memory.

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