Monday, August 5, 2024

Maybe Not So unny

While we were in Indiana celebrating Meg’s wedding, someone at Doug’s work left him a present. It was an IU blanket and an IU pillow. It seemed like a thoughtful gesture, especially since we were huge Hoosier football fans and had just had a wonderful week in Bloomington. 

Once Doug told me the reason that he received it, however, I didn’t think it was as great. Someone gave him this gift as a joke.  I guess they keep teasing him about sleeping there since he’s there before the rest of the office arrives and a lot of time stays until they’re after they leave. Maybe it would be funny if I wasn’t starting to really get frustrated with how much he actually is working. I know that there are projects to do and things to stay on top of, but 60 to 70 hours a week is enough. I would be extremely happy to give the blanket and the pillow back if we could just return, to 50 or 55 hours a week. Our nights wouldn’t be planned around Doug‘s work schedule and our weekends would be free to travel. 

Unfortunately, I do not see an end to this soon.  Having to work on Meg wedding day was probably the most annoying to me. Thankfully, however, it didn’t affect our weekend and being in Indiana was an awesome reminded to us of how blessed we truly are.

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