Wednesday, August 7, 2024

A Promotion and a Brand New Start

When Brett took his job with Storage Express five years ago, he gave them a two-year commitment. It wasn’t the exact fit that he had been looking for, but he realized that having an income was better than none.  Gaining experience was also extremely important since all he really had was his education.  At the time, I encouraged him to take the job, try it for two years, and make politics his hobby. Brett did just that and five years later, he has become an important part of the Republican party in Monroe county.  He has also become successful with his job and has being promoted several times.

Last year, Storage Express was bought out by Extra Space Storage. During all the changes, Brett found out that his position wasn't an actual role at Extra Space Storage. They grandfathered him in and adapted his job to fit what they needed. The changes were hard at first. Brett liked some of them and others he did not. He adapted, however, and soon began to realize that he was one of the few left from the original Storage Express staff in Bloomington.

A few months ago, Brett found out that his position was being cut and that several others were being moved out of Bloomington as well. That seemed scary at first until they told him that they really wanted him to apply for a different possession. It would be a promotion. It would also require him to move. As much as Brett loved Bloomington, he was ready for the challenge.  It seemed like the perfect time as he had talked a lot recently about leaving Bloomington.  He had even researched other areas in Southern Indiana that he would like to live. With that knowledge he decided to apply to be a store manager in Columbus and was hired at his first interview. Brett was extremely excited, although a little nervous about starting something new.

Brett‘s first day on the job in Columbus was scheduled to start today. Last night, he said goodbye to Storage Express in Bloomington and prepared for the training that started at Extra Space Storage this morning. He called on the way home to let me know that all had gone really well. I was extremely happy to hear that.  He realized that it will take some work to learn the new system, but thankfully much of it was the exact same. This position will be more demanding physically, but he was looking forward to that. Sitting in a chair all day can get rather old. I am super proud of Brett. I know that he has worked hard the last five years. He is ready for a new start and a new challenge,  I know that he will do well.

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