Thursday, August 22, 2024


It was hard to fly home last night because of the sinus and asthma problems that I had been having this week. While I was flying, my ear filled up to the point where I could not hear. In saying that, however, I was super glad to be back. Everyone asks me all the time how I can stand the heat in Florida. It really doesn’t bother me. I have learned not to do a bunch of yard work in the middle of the day when it’s at its hottest, but other than that, it really is no big deal. It definitely rains harder and more often here but that helps keep all of the plants watered and the grass green all summer long. I definitely didn't mind leaving the 50 degree morning that I woke up to in Northern Indiana.  As soon as I saw the palm trees at the airport and felt the warmth of the air, my heart smiled.

The best part about being home, however, wasn’t the weather or the palm trees. It was seeing Doug. I know that he had really missed me. He had kept busy and even went out with Phil a couple times. He had also rented a carpet cleaner at Lowe’s and our floors had never looked better. With that said, he was ready to hang out with me, and I was glad to make plans with him. It was one of a few times ever that I had traveled, and Doug really wished he had been there. I thought that the best way to cure that was to make plans to head back to the Midwest this fall and maybe catch an IU football game or just hang out with our children. We looked at dates and went ahead and booked some flights for October and Thanksgiving. 

I wish that Doug didn’t have to work so much and I wish he could take some time off. Hopefully that will happen soon. Until then, we will just have to schedule some day trips around here on the weekends, and I won’t plan any weeklong trips without him for awhile.  

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