Friday, August 16, 2024

Cameron's First Apartment

This morning started off fantastically. Cameron got the title switched to the van and put the car in his name. I was super happy about that as it had taken some work to set him up with new insurance.  Two days ago, we weren’t even sure that the van would still be running. Thankfully, it only needed spark plugs and ran just like new on the way down.  Cameron officially owned his first car and saved our family quite a bit of money in the process.

The next part of our day, was a little more stressful. Cameron was the first one to move in to his new apartment. We opened the door to a complete mass. It looked as though the cleaning crew had arrived, started on their project, and left. There were bags of trash, an extremely dirty kitchen, and bathrooms that thoroughly needed scrubbed. Cameron called the management company right away, and they said they would have someone out within an hour. I was skeptical and unfortunately, right. We ran errands while we waited and arrived back after 12:30 to the same mess. One of his other roommates arrived after lunch and his dad called the property management as well. They at least promised him that cleaners would be there at two. As that was still over an hour away, Cameron and I decided that we would just start cleaning ourselves.

Fortunately, I have a lot of experience cleaning and know to start from top to bottom. I was so glad that we had brought our own supplies. There was at least an inch of dust on the ceiling fan in his room, so we started with that. We then cleaned the windows, dusted the baseboards and vacuumed. We had just started on the bathroom when the cleaning crew arrived. They spoke absolutely absolutely no Spanish, but I was at least able to point them in the right direction. Within an hour, Cameron had a clean bathroom and the kitchen looked a whole lot better.

Once the apartment was clean, Cameron and I started moving everything in to his room. He had a van full from Syracuse which we unloaded first.  We then moved a load over from Brett‘s house. It was so much work. Brett called me at 6:30 to see what our plans were for dinner, and if we needed any help with the apartment. We told him that we were putting together the bed and the desk chair before we left. We told him to hold off helping until tomorrow as we were both physically exhausted.  

The desk chair took a little longer than expected, but by 8:30 we had picked Brett up and were on our way to Bucceto’s for dinner.  The food tasted delicious and we both enjoyed telling Brett about our day.  We ended our night by playing Cameron’s new game - Hands Down Yahtzee - back at Brett’s apartment.  It was a lot of fun and a wonderful way to relax after such a busy day.  

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