Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Three Days, Three Doctors Visits

I have been to the doctor each day for the last three days. The first two appointments were for Doug and the third one was for me. By the time I went this morning, I was so tired of sitting in the doctors office that I wanted to cry.  Fortunately, all of the visits went well.  

I don’t know why I was so annoyed about going to the doctor. I actually like our family doctor in Florida. I think the reason that I was bummed about going was because I feel like since we’ve moved, I’ve gone to the dentist and doctor more than I ever have in my lifetime. The nice part is that my teeth feel a lot better and nothing hurts when I chew. We also have found our new family doctor to be extremely knowledgable and helpful.  She has worked really hard to help us with some health issues that neither one of us even knew were a problem. Doug has responded well to the medication and advice he’s gotten from her.  Through bloodwork, she found out that Doug’s vitamin B 12 level was low enough to need injections. The medication she is giving him for his tremor has helped as well. Also from her advice, I am at the lowest weight that I have been at in a long time, and my A1c is at an all-time low. Hopefully, the suggestions that she is giving me about my leg will make it a lot better as well. I definitely have seen improvements since June, but not enough to be pain-free. Hopefully, by the next time we see her in March, all will be well on that end as well.

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