Friday, August 9, 2024

Ever Have One of Those Days

This afternoon I got completely overwhelmed and I could not stop crying.  Doug kept asking me what was wrong, but I couldn't really pinpoint the issue.  I just felt sad.  We talked for a long time and even went out to dinner at Shuckin' Shack, but nothing seemed to help.  This hasn't happened to me in a long time.  I have done a great job of holding it together through some challenging situations these past few years, but I just couldn't do it today.  Maybe it was because I had had so much fun at Meg's wedding and was sad that it was over or it could have been the reality of the end of a great summer with Cameron that may have been too much for me.  

By the end of the night I started to believe that my sadness was in direct relationship to Doug's increased workload.  I am definitely at the limit of what I can handle.  We had plans this weekend and Doug let me know this afternoon that he had received a project late in the day that could change that.  I felt like a deflated balloon after he told me.  The worst part was that Doug didn't see an end to his current situation.  That means that our weekends will never be free and making plans ahead of time will always be challenging.  I am sure that tomorrow will be better, especially after I get some sleep.  For tonight I will just try and focus on the positives in our life.  

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