Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A New Roof?

When we bought our home several years ago, we had it inspected.  We knew from that information that we would have to repaint the outside of the house within a year and half of owning it.  The roof would need replaced, but at the time we were told that it had three to five years of life left on it.  Our house was repainted last fall and looked great.  The painter agreed that we probably had two years to three years left on the roof.  

Fast forward to this year and we realized that we couldn't actually wait until 2025 to get a new roof.  Insurance companies can require an inspection once the roof hits twenty years old.  Since our home was built in 2004, we couldn't really wait.  I began to do some research and found two reputable Ocala companies to come out and give us quotes.  Both recommended a third quote, but after the first two I knew which one I wanted.  

I contacted my roofer last night and asked a few more questions before we committed.  He answered them right away and gave me addresses of roofs that they had installed in our neighborhood so that I could see their work.  Tonight, Doug and I drove around looking at different roofs.  I was impressed with the quality and color of all three, but finally settled on one that would match our house perfectly.  Our plan is to have the project completed in September.  I can't wait to see how nice it looks.  

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