Friday, August 23, 2024

A Curveball

Brett started his new job two weeks ago and was excited about learning a new position. This week he was thrown a curveball when he found out that the person he was training with, quit. Brett didn’t seem overly surprised by this, but it did throw a curveball into his plans. Right now there is just two of them working in that office and they were going to split days during the week to take off.

When Brett first texted me this, I was a little bit worried. I wasn’t sure what that meant for him. Doug reminded me that it would help his job stability, which was true, and that Brett would be able to handle everything on his own. I talked to Brett several times on the way home from work, and soon realized that Doug was 100% correct. Brett had a great attitude about everything. He let me know what he was learning and what he still needed to learn. He felt good about his progress and was optimistic about learning from his mistakes. He also said that he has not been asked to work any overtime right now and they are diligently looking for two more employees for his office.  

I love Brett’s optimism and his ability to find the positive in almost every situation.  I am really glad that everything is going well.  I am also also thankful that he has a weekend to look forward to just to rest.

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