Monday, May 1, 2023

That's All, Folks!

Today was one for celebration for Meg.  She took her last final as an IU undergraduate and completed her last project in the Kelley School of Business.  She was excited about the final as it was in her favorite class this semester - History of the Blues.  Meg and Mallory had put a lot of effort into studying for it last night and even had the priest say a special blessing for them after mass.  Thus, Meg was thrilled when she called afterward to report that she had received a 50 out of 50 on it.  

Meg's project went well, but she wasn't as excited about it.  She had to participate in a symposium where she presented an accounting research topic.  For years, she had been bummed that she was the only Heinisch that didn't get to participate in a "wax museum" project during her elementary days like her brothers did.  Presenting an accounting topic to a host of students and accounting researchers today in the same type of atmosphere wasn't exactly how she wanted to make up for that.  Nevertheless, her friends were all there to support her and it went as well as could be.  With that, Meg was officially done with her undergraduate program at IU.  She couldn't believe how fast the time had flown by.  She and all of her friends had agreed that sophomore year was the hardest because of the restrictions from Covid, but the fun that she had the last two years made up for it.

Nick arrived shortly after Meg finished for the day.  They celebrated with sushi and then met Meg's friends at the bars on Kirkwood.  I was extremely happy for her.  She had worked hard these past four years, had landed an awesome job, made a lot of new friends and grew as a person.  It was exactly what we wanted her college experience to be (minus a worldwide pandemic.).  We can't wait to celebrate with her this weekend in Bloomington.

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