Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day

Today Doug, Cameron, Cal and I celebrated Mother's Day with a delicious spinach quiche.  I appreciated Doug making the dish as we hadn't had it in quite some time.   The boys must have liked it as well as the pan was empty at the end of the meal.  I enjoyed listening to them talk about what they had planned for the next couple of weeks.  Cal was still trying to convince Cameron that he should be able to skip his graduation to go to the Indy 500.  Once again that fell on deaf ears.

Afterward, Grandma and Grandpa stopped by to celebrate both Mother's Day and Cal's birthday.  Cal enjoyed his gifts from Doug, Cameron, and I including a new Bear Bottom swimsuit, a wooden ring game, and new Reebok tennis shoes.   Grandma and Grandpa gave him a Mr. Goodbar complete with birthday money.  Cal was really appreciative of everything.  Grandma had also made him a Texas cake which was perfect with the ice cream that Cameron brought everyone from The Chief.  

Once we finished celebrating Cal's 25th a little bit early, Grandma and I opened our Mother's Day gifts.  Doug had brought me a bouquet of flowers on Friday which still looked beautiful on the table.  Brett had given me a gift last weekend to open today.  I knew that it was a vinyl, but couldn’t guess which one.  I was completely surprised to see the sound track to The Guardians of the Galaxy.  It had the perfect songs for Doug and I all from the 1970s.  Cal gave me his gift next - a bag of M&M’s that were women in power themed complete with a new purple M&M.  He also gave me a $50 gift card to Disney.  He hoped that I would be able to buy something from our next trip that reminded me of him.  I loved that.  I had received two pots of flowers from Grandma and Grandpa earlier in the week which looked beautiful on our porch.  We gave Grandma a gift card to Chubbies and Cameron had a pint of orange-pineapple from The Chief as well.  Meg called later to let me know that she had picked out something from Walt Disney World  that she knew that I would really like.  I was positive that I would.  Cameron arrived at the end of his shift with a pint of no sugar moose tracks and a latch hook for me to work on once our life slowed down.

As lovely as all of the Mother’s Day gifts were, they paled in comparison to the true joy that I felt today.  There was nothing in the world that I loved more than being the Matriarch of the Heinisch family.  I had always wanted to be a mother, but  I never dreamed how much I would love having children.  Their daily calls, texts and messages are appreciated more than they will ever know.  The four of them are not perfect, but they are perfect to me and I couldn’t imagine life without them.  

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