Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Sinus Infection

Cal called me this afternoon.  I knew he was working, so I figured it was something important.  He said that he was on the way to urgent care.  He had had his fourth bloody nose of the day and this one wouldn't quit.  I was sorry to hear about his nose, but not completely surprised.  He had had problems when he was home last weekend.  He couldn't stop sniffing and his nose was congested.  He had also developed sinus headaches.  He hoped that nasal spray would help, but he realized today that he would have to try more than just an over the counter remedy.

Thankfully, Cal found an urgent care facility close to his work.  They diagnosed him with a sinus infection almost immediately.  He was prescribed Amoxicillin and encouraged to buy a humidifier for his room which he did as soon as he left the doctor's office.  I was glad to hear that there was a plan for him and  hoped that he would start feeling better soon.

After hearing that Cal should be ok in a couple of days, I thought back to all of the times that he had been sick when he was younger.  Except for the rare kidney disorder caused by strep throat, almost all of Cal's problems stemmed from his nose.  He not only had recurring sinus infections, some last several weeks or more, but also a lot of issues with asthma.  I remembered all of the days that he had missed school when he was in elementary and the nights that I would lie down next to him with my hand on his chest making sure that he was breathing normally.  I felt bad that he still had sinus problems as an adult, but incredibly thankful that he no longer had to deal with asthma.  If there could be one silver lining in his current illness that would definitely be it.  

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