Monday, January 15, 2024

Martin Luther King Jr Day

Today was Martin Luther King Jr Day and a lot of businesses and schools were closed.  Brett and Doug had to work, but Cal, Meg, and Cameron appreciated their day off.  Cameron slept in, talked to Alina on the phone and watched football.  Cal read and hung out with Maggie while Meg rested, cleaned and ordered Door Dash.  I was glad that they enjoyed their day off.

I noticed that most schools in Northern Indiana had the day off as well which was a good thing as the windchills would have cancelled classes if they were in session.  I thought back to the years that I taught before Wawasee recognized it as a holiday.  Most schools were off, but we were required to not only teach, but have a lesson prepared about the reverend in our individual subject.  It was easy when I was a FACS teacher, but once I switched to mathematics it was a little more challenging.  I figured it out, however, and enjoyed providing math facts about the American leader.

Several years ago Wawasee added Martin Luther King Jr Day as a day off for students.  I always thought that it should have been from the beginning - not only to commemorate Dr. King's message of equality, but also because the weather was usually terrible that week and there was a good chance that it would be a delay or snow day anyway.  That was the case these past two years, and I am sure that it will be several more times in the future.  Maybe schools should start considering the week off as a holiday, as many have already delayed for tomorrow as well.  Either way it was nice to think that none of this really effects any of us anymore.  Instead due to the time of the storm and the holiday, Meg, Cal and Cameron were able to spend this zero degree windchill day at home in the comfort of their warm apartments and dorm.

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