Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Let the Downsizing Begin

 Two weekends ago we moved almost all of the garage sale items from our house over to my Mom's garage.  That included a lot of boxes that we had stored in our basement as well as several pieces of furniture.  My plan was to spend the subsequent weeks marking the big items and then grouping the rest together by price, i.e. all clothing 50 cents, games $1 and so forth.  

On one of the days that I wasn't able to be at my Mom's working on the garage sale, she invited Aunt Jan over to look at everything and see if there was anything she or her girls would want.  At first they didn't tell me and just sent pictures to Jennifer, Jackie and Jeannette.  They knew that I would say, "Just take it."  After the third or fourth text that I got from my mom asking me for a price on something, I figured out what they were doing.  I decided at that point that I would contact my cousins myself and make a list of what they wanted.  That way they could pay me on Venmo and then all we would have to worry about was how we were going to get everything to them.

Tonight the Pancoast family and the Dustins met Aunt Jan and Uncle Lee at my Mom's to pick up their new treasures.  Thankfully, Doug was around to help load their vehicles as we filled each and every one.  I was incredibly glad that they were interested in a lot of the big pieces of furniture.  It was nice knowing that several of Jeanette's antiques would stay in the "family."  Jeanette brought both of her boys with her.  They had fun "shopping" at our sale as well and went home with every thing that was frog related including frog slippers and a croaking cookie jar.  

Although I was happy to have started our large sale early, the best part was seeing my cousins.  We hadn't gotten together as much these past few years due to everyone's busy schedules, so it was really nice to catch up on what they had been up to lately.  Jeannette said that she was a lot more sad about us leaving then she thought that she would be.  Even though we hadn't seen each other a lot, she said that it was nice knowing that I was only an hour away instead of living in another state.  I could understand what she meant, but also realized that we would be traveling back and forth quite a bit, at least the first few months, so I would still be in Indiana a lot.  I also knew that I could visit them when they were in Florida this coming February.  Overall, it was a great night filled with lots of memories that ended with a lot of smiles and my Mom's garage looking a lot less crowded.

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