Friday, July 14, 2023

Our Most Valuables

As soon as Doug and I bought the house in Florida we started moving some of our possessions South.  At first, most of what we sent were items that we needed to furnish a second home.  Chairs, tables, beds, television, and kitchen utensils were just a few things deemed necessary to run a household.  Each trip brought more and more until we had enough for Doug to enjoy Florida and for the rest of us to visit.  

Doug's trip this weekend, however, was different.  With the moving truck coming in just over a month, we changed our approach.  We moved from practical items to those that we would never send on a truck.  That included photographs, the Heinisch children's memory tubs, our favorite drinking glasses, the family collection of vinyls and so much more.  We decided that we would prioritize those items for Doug's last two driving trips, since no amount of moving insurance would replace that which meant so much to us.  

Tonight, Doug and I packed the first round of "priceless" items for his trip to Ocala this weekend.  We decided to split everything up so that if something was lost, there would still be something back at home that would help ease the pain of the loss.  Thus, we only sent one of each of Cameron, Meg and Cal's memory tubs.  We also only sent the tub of photos that were pre-2000 as my mom had duplicates of most of those pictures.  My vinyl collection will be going on this trip, but not Cameron's.  He would still be home to enjoy his for a few more weeks.  

I was very impressed with all that we fit into the Pilot tonight.  I will be happy when Doug arrives in Florida and I hear that all is safe.  Before we finished packing, I took a picture of one of my favorite family portraits of all time.  I figured that if anything happened to it, that someone would be able to reprint one for us.  Overall, I am nervous, but happy that we are getting closer to making Ocala our home.  

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