Sunday, July 2, 2023


Our family has never much been interested in watching fireworks shows.  I am not 100% sure why this is the case, but I noticed that no one ever mentions watching the firework shows over the 4th.  It can't be because they are lame as the ones on Syracuse Lake and Lake Wawasee are usually fantastic complete with synchronized music from one of the local radio stations.  Even when we visit Walt DisneyWorld, none of the Heinisch children are make it a priority to watch the firework show.  The only exception to that is when the display is brand new or a return of a beloved show.  

There was a time when fireworks were a priority over the 4th, but that was years ago.  I used to make sure that I caught the show every year, usually outside of motel before we moved to Harkless Drive.  My cousin Krystal would stay with us for the weekend, and we had fun setting off our own fireworks while watching the town's.  In the Heinisch family we also set off our own and on some years we would try to watch those over Syracuse Lake.  Not all of the family was interested, but usually Meg, Cameron, Brett and I would drive up to the Pamida parking lot to watch them.  We gave up on those when the trees grew tall enough to block the fireworks.  

Sometimes I wonder if we weren't that interest in fireworks because we usually out of town on the 4th vacationing as a family.  For several years we watched St. Louis' display under the arch.  They were absolutely gorgeous and I knew when we first watched them, that we could never top those.  I also thought that maybe we gave up on fireworks when we used that time at the end of the night at Disney World to catch all of our favorite rides.  Everyone else had their eyes on the skies while we headed to Seven Dwarf Mine Ride.  No matter the reason, fireworks have never been a priority for our family.  This year was no exception as none of us made plans to watch them over Syracuse Lake or at any other celebration.  Who knows, maybe that will change, but for now, I won't worry about looking for local ones for our family when we move.

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