Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Visitors in Bloomington

 Grandma and Grandpa left yesterday for Bloomington to spend time with Brett and Meg.  After a long detour through southern Indiana, they did make it in time to take Brett to dinner at Big Woods, his favorite B-Town restaurant.  Once they were finished, Grandpa and Brett dropped Grandma off at Meg's apartment where she had been studying, cleaning and getting ready for her interviews this week.  Meg enjoyed catching up with Grandma and made plans for the two of them to go shopping while she was in town.  Brett and Grandpa found a few old Boris Karloff movies to watch including "The Ape" which Brett highly recommended to me.

This morning Meg and Grandma headed to TJ Maxx to look for business casual clothes for an event that Meg would be attending on Thursday.  Meg face timed me while they were at the store to show me what she had found.  It definitely looked nice and even the cashier agreed.  While Meg was at class, Grandma and Grandpa hung out at Brett's apartment catching up on more old movies, looking through some old photos that they had brought down and rereading "Sandlot 4" that Brett and Grandpa wrote many years ago.  Grandma and Grandpa then took Meg to lunch at McAllister's after her class before leaving for home.  They had all had a wonderful time together and thankfully the trip back was a lot shorter than the one down.

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